
This area provides examples and links useful for teaching using 3D virtual learning materials. Faculty can learn how peers in different virtual teaching and learning disciplines are using these resources in their courses. Featured here are exemplary cases, best practices and course portfolios that illustrate how CLIVE faculty are enhancing the teaching and learning process with 3D Virtual resources. In addition, links to useful sites for teaching 3D Virtual Resource uses are also provided.

Online Materials

CLIVE hosts four complementary sets of online resources:

  1. This MERLOT Teaching Commons and database

  2. The CLIVE Diigo website bookmarking group;

  3. An inter-related family of Wiki sites devoted to each Virtual Platform; and

  4. A Virtual 3D Location designed to showcase, compare and contrast the teaching and learning assets across different 3D virtual platforms (coming soon)

Search Online Collection of 3D Virtual Learning Materials

Coming soon, an online collection of expert vetted 3D Virtual Learning Materials.

Case Studies / Best Practices

Learn about how higher education faculty are using 3D Virtual Learning resources in their courses. This area will soon feature case studies of CLIVE faculty that are adopting and utilizing online resources to enhance the teaching and learning process. We also plan to highlight some of the best practices of teaching with 3D Worlds resources.

Guidelines for Using Technology in Teaching & Learning

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The MERLOT CLIVE Community’s site includes tips for teaching, information about the peer-review process, and search capability specifically for 3D Virtual Learning materials.

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For faculty and higher education professionals to engage in discussion of teaching and learning in and across 3D virtual worlds...

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